Friday, July 29, 2011

Introduction to STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) are the disease transmitted through sexually contact. It is also called STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection). They are transferred from human to human through human sexual behavior like vaginal sex, oral sex and anal sex. Some STDs can transfer through infected syringe needles.
STDs are caused by different micro organisms like bacteria, fungus, virus, protozoa, and different parasites. Some of them are illustrated below.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bacterial Vaginosis

A condition when there is excessive of bacteria on the women’s vagina is termed as Bacterial Vaginosis.  There is presence of some bacteria on vagina but the misbalance in the content of the bacteria leads this state. It will lead to discharge, fishy foul odor, pain and itching. It may also affect the bladder, urethra and skin area of the genitals. This mostly is common in the women of child bearing ages.

This is caused due to the misbalance of the content of the bacteria in the women’s vagina. Bacteria are already present in the women’s vagina. There is presence of the harmless and harmful bacteria in the vaginas. But due to the rise in the content of the harmful bacteria Bacterial Vaginosis is caused.